University of Library Studies and Information Technologies,
Sofia (Bulgaria) – COORDINATOR

The University of Library Studies and Information Technology (ULSIT) is a Bulgarian public university based in Sofia. It has two faculties: Faculty of Information Sciences and Faculty of Library Studies and Cultural Heritage. ULSIT conducts training for about 3000 students in Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral programs in the following professional fields: Public Communications and Information Sciences;  Informatics and Computer Sciences; Library Studies, Book Studies and Bibliography; Automated Data Processing and Management Systems, National Security, etc.

The social mission of ULSIT is to prepare highly qualified, socially responsible, personally motivated and adaptive to the labour market specialists. It has gained educational, scientific, technology and innovation capacity, able to get actively involved in the European Research and Innovation Area by implementing projects under Horizon 2020 and Erasmus+ Programmes, as well as in other international projects, programmes and initiatives e.g. those financed by UNESCO and World bank funds. ULSIT has partnerships with many European research and educational centres and high technological companies especially in the field of Internet technologies, education technologies, cultural and creative industries, etc.

Marina Encheva – NEDLib project coordinator – is an Associate Professor at the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies in Bulgaria giving lectures and seminars in Electronic Resources, Information Analysis, E-learning, etc. She has worked as a librarian in the American University in Bulgaria and in the Centre for Advanced Study – Sofia. Encheva was a member of the EC of EBLIDA (2018–2024) and since August 2023 she is a member of the Standing Committee of IFLA Section on Education and Training. In the period 2017-2024 Marina Encheva has been a coordinator of three Erasmus+ projects with target groups students, librarians and university teachers: “NAVIGATE: Information Literacy: A Game-based Learning Approach for Avoiding Fake Content”, “TLIT4U: Improving Transliteracy Skills through Serious Games” and “NEDLib: Digital Competence and Information Literacy for Librarians”.

Vasil Zagorov has graduated in library science in 2001 and journalism in 2003 at Sofia University, Bulgaria. He had been a PhD student at the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication at the same university from 2004 to 2008. Zagorov has been an assistant professor in book studies at Sofia University (2005–2016) and State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (ULSIT, Bulgaria) from 2009. Between 2010 and 2013 he specialized in Book Digitalization (Zadar University, Croatia), Online Education (Technical University, Sofia, Bulgaria) and European Book History (London University). In 2014 he became associate professor in Book Studies, Library Science and Bibliography. In 2013 Zagorov became Head of Book and Society Department at the Sumer Knowledge Academy (ULSIT), in 2014 Head of Library Sciences Department at ULSIT and in 2023 Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Library Studies and Cultural Heritage at ULSIT. He is a member of the editorial board of the Bulgarian national librarian magazine Bibliotheca and editor-in-chief of the Izdatel/Publisher Scientific Journal. His particular interests are related to book history, bibliography and web visualization of bibliodata. From 2011 to 2017 Zagorov was a manager of several national projects related to GIS, bibliography and book history. In 2019 he became a member of the Governing board of the Bulgarian Library and Information Association (BLIA) and till 2014 he is member of The Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing (SHARP).

Assist. Prof. Gabriela Angelova, PhD graduated bachelor’s in Library Science and Bibliography in 2016 at the University of Library Science and Information Technologies. She studied the master’s program in Library Collections in 2017 at the Department of Library Science and Bibliography. In 2019, she continued her education in the Ph.D. doctoral program in Book History, Library Science, and Bibliography. In 2016, Gabriela Angelova started working as a bibliographer at the National Library of Bulgaria St. St. Cyril and Methodius. Since 2017, she’s been an archivist at the Department of Oriental Collections in the Specialized Reading Room № 1 Prof. Marin Drinov to the Department of Preservation of Manuscript and Documentary Heritage. Gabriela Angelova is an assistant professor at the Department of Library Studies at the ULSIT.  Her research interests are related to the private libraries of Bulgarian intellectuals and their preservation in an institutional environment, Bulgarian book printing history, rare editions, and old printed books.

Gergana Yancheva, Ph.D, is an Assistant Professor, giving lectures and seminars in Bibliometrics; Local history; Local history databases; Information Market; Publishing and Trade Bibliography; Business Information Systems; Electronic Resources and Metadata, etc. In 2014, she obtained a Bachelor’s degree in “Print Communications” at the ULSIT, developing and defending a diploma thesis on “The Information Limit of the 21st Century – Web and Traditional Media in the Bulgarian Media Space”. In 2016, she successfully defended her Master’s Degree in “Electronic Content: Innovation and Policies” at ULSIT. Her Master’s degree is related to the topic of “Мystifications in the Electronic Environment. Gergana Yancheva participated in scientific forums, organized by ULSIT, by presenting essays, scientific publications, and posters. In the period 2010-2023 she participated in the planning and organization of ULSIT’s National Scientific Conference – “Knowledge Society and 21st-century Humanism” with international participation, held annually on 1st November at the ULSIT and dedicated to the Day of the Leaders of the Bulgarian Revival. She is a member of the University Youth Knowledge Academy at ULSIT, the “Book and Society” expert group. Gergana Yancheva participates annually with scientific publications at the scientific conference of the Youth Academy “Contemporary Strategies and Innovation in Knowledge Management”. She holds a Ph.D. degree in Book Sciences, Library Studies, and Bibliography.

Svetoslava Dimitrova has a bachelor’s degree in “Print Communications” at USLIT, developing and defending a thesis on “Characteristics of projects for creating e-content”, with scientific supervisor Prof. Elena Pavlovska, PhD. In 2016 she successfully defended her master’s degree in “Electronic Content: Innovation and Policies” at ULSIT. The developed and excellently defended diploma work for the master’s degree is on the topic: “Means and methods for protection of e-content in the information environment”, with scientific supervisor Prof. Elena Pavlovska, PhD. She got her PhD in 2020 with dissertation entitled: “Intellectual Property Aspects of E-Content in University Information Environment”. She is a member of the University Youth Knowledge Academy at ULSIT, expert group “Intellectual Property”. In 2019 she won the “Apple of Knowledge” in the category “Outstanding PhD student” at the sixth annual awards of the University Youth Knowledge Academy at ULSIT. During her PhD studies she completed a number of trainings at the World Intellectual Property Organization Academy, European Patent Office Academy, European Intellectual Property Office Academy. In November 2020 she completed a specialized course in copyright at Harvard (CopyrightX).

Marchela Borisova – Experienced library specialist with over 30 years of practice in all aspects of library operations, and a background in library management. She has an Educational Degree Doctor in Professional Field 3.5 Public Communications and Information Sciences. Holds a Master of Library Management degree. Her doctoral dissertation (2016) is on The public library – a partner in the school education. Currently she is acting Deputy Director and Head of the Service Dept. at Sofia City Library. Former (2016 – 2019) Deputy Director in Library Activities at the National Library St. St. Cyril and Methodius. University lecturer in Library Management, Library Services for Children and School Students, and Lecturer Assistant in Information Service and Traditional Library Services at ULSIT. Participant and lecturer in many library meetings and events in Bulgaria and abroad, as well as author of many Publications. Areas of professional interest: Books, Reading and Libraries; Library Management; Management of Library Services; Children and School Students Services, Collection Management; Rare and Valuable Publications; Digitization.