Sofia, Bulgaria: Global Libraries – Bulgaria Foundation (GLBF)

Global Libraries – Bulgaria Foundation (GLBF) is a non-profit legal entity, established in compliance with the provisions of the Non-Profit Legal Entities Act of the Republic of Bulgaria, entered into the Register of non-profit legal entities with Sofia City Court Decision No 1 from 02.08.2013. Partners in the Foundation are government and non-government entities: Ministry of Culture, National Association of Municipalities, Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communication, National Endowment Fund “13 Centuries of Bulgaria”, Bulgarian Library and Information Association National Chitalishte Union. GLBF mission is to encourage the joining of Bulgarian citizens to the global information society, to improve their quality of life and to enhance civil participation. GLBF network – The Foundation is working in close cooperation with more than 1000 public libraries in Bulgaria and 39 training centres in the country. GLBF works with 28 regional coordinators. GLBF is a legal successor of Global Libraries Program 2008 – 2013. A total of 13,492 units of equipment (computer, laptops, printers, network and multimedia equipment) were installed in 960 Bulgarian libraries during the Program. Additionally, a training program registered impressive results contributing sustainability to the professional development of library workers on national level. Over 13 000 training participations in five thematic areas were realized – ICT skills, Library management, Library services, Soft skills, Advocacy, Fundraising and Project preparation.

GLBF continues to cooperate with all libraries in the network for providing free Internet, access to information and e- services. The Foundation is also working on policy level for improving the legislative and financial framework of the library sector, advocacy and fundraising for public libraries, conducting national campaigns, implementing projects on sustainable development of local communities, lifelong learning, green libraries, creative industries. GLBF has launched a separate program on development and provision of innovative library services.

Spaska Tarandova – project coordinator

Mrs. Tarandova has been working in the library field for more than 30 years, most of them at Sofia City Library, including as a Deputy Director for 5 years. Since 2015, she has been serving as an ExecutiveDirector of the Global Libraries – Bulgaria Foundation (GLBF) that works with network of 1000 public libraries in Bulgaria to provide free access to computers, Internet and information for all. She is familiar with the trends in Bulgarian libraries development, but she is also a member of INELI network – international network of library innovators. She is a trainer in library management, advocacy, fundraising, project management, and media literacy. Member of the Governing Board of the Bulgarian Libraries and Information Association and PLS in IFLA.

Aneta Doncheva – researcher/trainer expert

Assoc. prof. Aneta Doncheva works at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski in Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Library and Information Studies and Cultural Policy. She teach Organization and management of libraries; Library and information resources management; Library legislation. She is
familiar with library landscape in Bulgaria gained through many years of professional and administrative experience as head of activities related to foreign and international relations of the National Library. Mrs. Doncheva has numerous publications in specialized publications, conferences reports and sectoral analyses. She is the active Member of the Governing Board of the Bulgarian Libraries and Information Association and her President from 2021 to 2024.

Vanya Grozdanova – communication expert

Mrs. Grozdanova has graduated in the Cultural Studies Department at Sofia University. She has over ten years of work experience in cultural management related to contemporary arts and cultural policy projects, including event management, project coordination, curatorial practice, as well as fundraising and social media communication. As an independent project manager, she has worked on various international projects that contributed to audience development and community projects in both Sofia and Plovdiv.