Lisboa, Portugal: General Directorate for Books, Archives and Libraries (DGLAB)

General Directorate for Books, Archives and Libraries (DGLAB) in Lisboa, Portugal is a public administration service, under the Ministry of Culture, that has the mission to ensure the coordination of the national archive system and the execution of a integrated policy for non-school books, public libraries and reading. As responsible for coordinating the National Public Libraries Network, DGLAB promotes several projects related to professional staff training, financing, and projects orientation. The total number of staff responsible for the centralised services is 352. There are also 18 more decentralized services around the country.

DGLAB is the national authority for Public Library that today coordinates 424 libraries around the country. With about 3.000 library professionals, DGLAB organizes annually training programmes for the staff that includes webinars, e-learning courses, hands-on training sessions and promotes conferences and congresses. Since 1987, DGLAB, coordinates the National Public Libraries Network that continues to include new libraries. The key persons involved in the project are as follows: 1. Bruno Eiras – Project Manager (responsible for the national project coordination). Experienced librarian and users training program manager, responsible for the training centres at Oeiras Public Libraries Network. Experience in European project like Grundtvig and Leonardo DaVinci. 2. Sandra Dias – Advisor (responsible for contacts and trainers’ selection). Advisor with project management experience regarding teams selection; 3. Rosa Domingues -Technical personnel (responsible for planning, logistics and session organization). Librarian with experience on managing teams and project planning. 4. Margarida Oleiro – Technical personnel (responsible for planning,
logistics and session organization). Librarian with experience on managing teams and project planning.

Armando Correia

With a degree in History and a postgraduate degree in Documentation Sciences, has worked in a Public Library for the last 25 years, 11 of which as a service manager. In 2023, he joined the library service team of the national general directorate of libraries and archives. Libraries are important public services that contribute to the balance of the local social ecosystem, as facilitating centers for the acquisition of diverse skills and also as places of socialization, promoters of meetings, dialogue and citizenship.

Bruno Duarte Eiras

Born, in Lisbon, in 1977 and he is a librarian. With a degree in History from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Lisbon. He also has a Post-Graduate degree in Documental Sciences (Library and Documentation) from the Autonomous University of Lisbon. Between 2003 and 2017, he served as Librarian and as Senior Coordinator in the Oeiras Public Libraries Network. Since May 2015, he has been part of a group of 30 Ibero-American librarians selected for the INELI (International Network of Emerging Library Innovators) training program, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and managed by CERLALC and the Germán Sánchez Ruipérez Foundation. From 2010 to 2021, he was Treasurer and Vice-President of the National Board of the Portuguese Association of Librarians, Archivists, Information and Documentation Professionals (BAD) Between 2012 and 2015, he served as surrogate member of the Executive Committee of EBLIDA (European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations). Since 2017, he has been a member of the Board of NAPLE FORUM (National Authorities on Public Libraries in Europe), an entity that includes the national authorities of European countries responsible for coordinating Public Library Systems. From 2017 to 2020, he was Head of Library department at Directorate-General for Books, Archives, and Libraries. In August 2020, he was appointed Deputy Director at Directorate-General for Books, Archives, and Libraries.

Margarida Oleiro

Works as a librarian in the Portuguese Agency for the Book, Archives and Libraries. Although she doesn′t work in a library she works on behalf of Public Libraries National Network which is coordinated by the Agency. For several years she was head of the Agency’s library services. She has participated in national and international programs, projects and events in the field of public libraries fields. She believes that public libraries need to change in order to be relevant to new needs and interests in a changing world. Books and the promotion of reading are core to library activities, but they cannot be exclusive.  She began her professional life as a teacher after graduating in History. Some years later, after studying Information Sciences, she changed school for the library.

Sandra Dias

With a degree in History and a Master’s degree in Documentation and Information Sciences from the University of Lisbon with a master’s thesis in the area of Sustainability and Information and Documentation Systems (2015). Author of articles on Sustainable Development, the 2030 Agenda and the role of public libraries in ensuring access to information for the quality of life of communities. Currently has Director of Library Services at the Directorate-General for Books, Archives and Libraries, she believes that libraries can be the excellence of the democratic and inclusive public space, where the training of audiences for the various literacies is an opportunity for building a better future.